How It Works


Sellers Share Coupons & Deals

Guideth partners with various sellers to offer discounts and deals to shoppers.
These retailers provide us coupon codes that we may use on their products and services.


Guideth Publish

Once Guideth gets coupons and deals from the sellers, we carefully review and verify them for accuracy and validity. We then make them public on our website so that our customers may access them.


Shoppers Get Coupons & Deals

After we publish coupons and deals on our website, you can easily find them by browsing categories, stores, or by the search function.
You can select the coupon or deal you want and follow the instructions to use it.
While some coupons may be applied immediately at checkout, others may require a code to be input.

Learn how Guideth works in less than 2 minutes!

If you have any problems or questions, please contact us using the contact page.

How it works

Step 1: Grab your Coupon Code or Deal.

Find your favorite store at Guideth and check the coupons and deals that you want to use then click on “GET CODE” Or “GET DEAL” button.

How it works
How it works

Step 1: Grab your Coupon Code or Deal.

Find your favorite store at Guideth and check the coupons and deals that you want to use then click on “GET CODE” Or “GET DEAL” button.

How it works
How it works

Step 2 : Copy The Coupon Code

When you click the “GET CODE” or “GET DEAL” button, you will be sent to another window that displays the coupon code or deal.
Like this image on your right or left side. click to copy the code. After that, navigate to the retailer’s website. Enjoy Your Savings

How it works
How it works

Step 2 : Copy The Coupon Code

When you click the “GET CODE” or “GET DEAL” button, you will be sent to another window that displays the coupon code or deal.
Like this image on your right or left side. click to copy the code. After that, navigate to the retailer’s website. Enjoy Your Savings

How it works


On this page, Guideth lists all the stores it has partnered with to offer coupons and deals. It will help you to easily find discounts for specific stores by clicking on the store name or logo.

Stores alt:

This page showcases alternative stores that may not be as well-known but still offer great deals. Guideth use this page to help you discover new stores they may not have considered before.


This page groups coupons and deals by type, such as “Electronics,” “Food” or “Travel.” It will help you to find the deals that are most relevant to your interests by clicking on the appropriate category.

Browse coupons:

This page is where you can browse all available coupons and deals. Guideth can include filters to help visitors narrow down their search by category, store, and expiration date.


Guideth uses this page to publish articles related to saving money, shopping tips, and other topics of interest to you. The blog page can also feature product reviews, interviews with retailers, and other content that will help you make informed purchasing decisions.


This page provides a comprehensive map of Guideth, including links to all the pages listed above and any other important pages or sections of the website. This will help you navigate Guideth more easily and find the information they are looking for.